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THERMPROCESS EXPO has learned that the production costs of pipes generally include equipment cost, equipment maintenance cost, labor cost, and external service cost. Less common production costs are also considered, as well as the power consumption of the equipment.
Factories in regions with expensive electricity may invest additional funds in more energy-efficient equipment.
After analyzing various factors affecting operational costs, it becomes possible to identify which pipe manufacturing system best meets the needs. The purchasing decisions for processing systems should consider both energy consumption and the degree of manufacturing automation.
However, THERMPROCESS EXPO understands that in today's pipe manufacturing industry, the development of business models, changing customer demands, and the rapid pace of technological advancement have led fiber lasers to guide the industry towards rapid development. The advancement of drivers, servo motors, cutting heads, and nozzle technologies has further improved production efficiency.
Modularization between different processes is very important. Once the entire process is modularized, manufacturers can add towers and automation features to existing lasers, and even replace laser sources without replacing the entire machine. Many tasks can be completed within a single shift, rather than extending the entire production process over several weeks.
In the coming years, modularization will become increasingly important for production. As factories develop and new product lines are introduced, technology will continue to evolve with production advancements, and the precision metal.
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